PAC-MAN™ Championship Edition DX+

by Mine Loader Software Co., Ltd., BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment

The Developer Says...

It's time to gear up!Get ready for more ghost chain gobbling and frantic action in PAC-MAN® CE-DX+! The award-winning chomping game makes a shattering debut on Steam with even more content and a refined user-interface to compare high scores with your friends!

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Mechanics

The game takes the classic Pac-Man formula and introduces several new mechanics that significantly alter the gameplay. Unlike the original where the goal was to clear the maze of all dots, this version focuses on score-chasing within a time limit. The core objective is to eat as many dots as possible to create "trails" that lead to fruit pickups. After collecting a fruit, the maze resets, creating a new trail for Pac-Man to follow. Eating the fruit also causes sleeping ghosts to wake up and start chasing the player, forming a growing "ghost train" behind them. The introduction of the ghost train is a major twist. Players can now "eat" the entire train of ghosts by passing through a Power Pellet, resulting in massive point bonuses. This encourages deliberately waking up and gathering as many ghosts as possible before consuming the Power Pellet. Additionally, the player has access to a limited number of bombs that can clear all nearby ghosts, providing a safety net when becoming trapped. However, using bombs slows down the game's speed, so they must deploy them strategically.

❤ Increased Speed and Difficulty

As the player eats more dots and collects more fruits, the game's pace accelerates, creating an ever-heightening challenge. This speed increase adds a sense of urgency and tension, as the player must navigate the maze at breakneck speeds while maintaining control. If the player makes contact with a ghost, the game will temporarily slow down, allowing a brief moment to react and plan their escape. This "bullet time" effect helps mitigate the difficulty of the heightened speed.

❤ Customization and Replayability

The game offers a high degree of customization, allowing players to select from various visual styles, music tracks, and alternate character skins. This variety helps keep the experience fresh and encourages experimentation. The game also features multiple game modes, such as score attack and time-based challenges, further expanding the replayability. Pursuing high scores and competing on leaderboards against friends and the global community provides an addictive, long-term incentive to master the game's mechanics.

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