Legion TD 2 - Multiplayer Tower Defense

by AutoAttack Games

The Developer Says...

An infinitely replayable multiplayer and single-player tower defense. Defend against waves of enemies and destroy the enemy's king before they destroy yours. Legion TD 2 is a one-of-a-kind game of tactics, teamwork, and prediction. Party as 1-8 players.

Players Like...

❤ Selecting Defensive Units

You begin each game by selecting a "legion" - a faction of unique defensive units. These units have their own strengths, weaknesses, and synergies that you must strategically place in your lane to form your defensive line.

❤ Managing Workers and Mythium

Managing your worker units is crucial, as they gather "mythium" over time. You can then spend this mythium to hire powerful "mercenary" units that you can send to attack your opponent's lane, disrupting their defenses.

❤ Adapting to Predetermined Waves

The enemy waves you must defend against have predetermined compositions, allowing you to plan your defenses accordingly. However, the game remains dynamic, as you can adapt your unit placements and mercenary deployments based on how the battle unfolds.

❤ Cooperative Gameplay

Since this is a 2v2 game, effective communication and coordination with your teammate is essential. You must work together to synchronize your mercenary attacks, cover each other's weaknesses, and ultimately outmaneuver the opposing team.

❤ Replayability and Depth

With a wide variety of legions, unit types, and strategic options, no two games play out the same. The game's deep mechanics and high skill ceiling reward players who invest the time to master the intricate interactions between different units and playstyles. Ongoing updates from the developers ensure the gameplay remains fresh and engaging, even after hundreds of hours of play.

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