The Preposterous Awesomeness of Everything

by Joe Richardson

The Developer Says...

The Preposterous Awesomeness of Everything is a satirical point-and-click adventure game, about progress, politics and propulsive nozzles. It features fun verbs, irrelevant ducks and satirical shenanigans. I think you'll like it :)

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Overview

The game presents a traditional point-and-click adventure interface, allowing players to interact with the world by selecting verbs like "take", "use", and "talk to" to manipulate items and characters. Progressing the story requires solving a variety of puzzles.

❤ Approachable Puzzles

Players consistently praise the game's puzzle design as logical and accessible, avoiding the "moon logic" that can often plague the genre. Reviews note that the puzzles strike a balance - challenging enough to be engaging, but not so difficult as to become frustrating. This allows players to focus on the game's humor and thematic commentary.

❤ Flexible Progression

Instead of traditional save slots, the game features a "continue" function that enables players to quickly resume progress after failure. Reviewers highlight this approach as making failure an enjoyable experience, as players can simply retry difficult choices or puzzles without losing significant progress.

❤ Verb-Based Interactions

Maintaining the classic point-and-click adventure structure, the game features a verb-based interface for interacting with the environment. However, reviews praise the creative use of unusual verbs like "befuddle", "disrespect", and "pray-for" as a source of humor and inventiveness.

❤ Satirical Storytelling

While the puzzles are approachable, reviewers emphasize that the game's true strength lies in its biting social and political satire. The narrative tackles themes of progress, democracy, and the human condition through a lens of absurdist humor. Players applaud the game's ability to balance thought-provoking commentary with comedic relief.

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