Hobo Cat Adventures

by Hobo Cat Games

The Developer Says...

Join a homeless cat in this 3d platformer with souls-lite combat and dark humor. Explore the Squirrel Kingdom - a place full of secrets, collectibles and new weapons to find. Complete jobs for weird characters. Fight, dodge or parry challenging enemies and bosses with a lock-on combat system.

Players Like...

❤ Traversing the Expansive Squirrel Kingdom

Players navigate through large, intricately designed 3D levels, exploring the Squirrel Kingdom in search of secrets and collectibles. The platforming mechanics feel "juicy" and responsive, requiring players to time their jumps precisely to overcome challenging environmental obstacles.

❤ Souls-Inspired Combat System

The game's combat system borrows elements from the Souls series, allowing players to lock-on to enemies and utilize a variety of attacks. Melee strikes and thrown projectiles provide the core combat options, with a unique parry mechanic that enables devastating counterattacks when timed correctly. The blend of smooth and rough combat animations creates a satisfying feel.

❤ Unique Weapons and Items

Throughout the world, players can discover an assortment of unconventional weapons and items, such as a dead fish, a 5-string banjo, and exploding bombs. These diverse tools grant players the freedom to approach combat and challenges in creative ways, experimenting with different combinations.

❤ Quests and Earning Money

Alongside the main platforming and combat, the game features a variety of optional side quests and jobs provided by the Squirrel Kingdom's colorful cast of characters. Completing these tasks earns players money, which can be used to unlock new areas or purchase upgrades, further incentivizing exploration and completion.

❤ Progression through Collectibles

Progression in the game is tied to collecting money bags hidden across the levels. These bags are required to unlock new areas of the Squirrel Kingdom, encouraging thorough exploration. Additionally, players can find a variety of other unique collectibles, adding to the overall sense of discovery and completion.

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