Field of Glory: Empires

by Ageod, Slitherine Ltd.

The Developer Says...

Field of Glory: Empires is a grand strategy game in which you will have to move in an intricate and living tapestry of nations and tribes, each one with their distinctive culture.

Players Like...

❤ Empire Building and Management

Players must carefully manage the growth and development of their empire, balancing expansion with the risk of decadence. The game features a province-based system where players can construct over 150 unique buildings, each producing various resources, goods, and bonuses. Strategically allocating these elements is essential for growing the economy, military, and culture. The decadence system prevents players from simply conquering the entire map, as an empire's productivity and stability will decline over time without investing in cultural development.

❤ Faction Diversity and Playstyles

The game offers a diverse array of playable factions, each with their own unique characteristics, strengths, and challenges. For example, the Seleucid faction must manage the complexities of ruling a sprawling, multi-cultural empire, while the Germanic tribes focus more on military might and expansion. These faction-specific traits, units, and building options allow players to tailor their playstyle and approach the game in different ways.

❤ Tactical Warfare

While the core gameplay is focused on grand strategy and empire management, the game offers an engaging tactical combat system. Battles are resolved automatically, but players can choose to export them to the companion game, Field of Glory II, for a more hands-on tactical experience. The combat system emphasizes the importance of army composition, terrain, and general selection, as the frontage mechanic limits the number of troops that can effectively engage in battle based on the geography of the battlefield.

❤ Trade and Resource Management

The trading and resource management systems are praised for their complexity. The game features a web of trade routes and over 40 unique trade goods. Players must carefully balance their need for resources, such as food, metal, and slaves, with the production and export of surplus goods to generate income and influence. The randomized distribution of resources across the map adds an element of replayability, as the optimal economic strategies will vary depending on the starting conditions.

❤ Emergent Gameplay and Replayability

The combination of the decadence system, faction diversity, and intricate economic mechanics results in a highly emergent gameplay experience. No two playthroughs are the same, as the actions of the player and the AI-controlled factions can lead to dramatically different outcomes and historical narratives. The depth and complexity of the game encourage players to continually refine their strategies and respond to the ever-changing geopolitical landscape, resulting in a highly engaging and addictive experience.

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