Shadowhand: RPG Card Game

by Grey Alien Games, Positech Games

The Developer Says...

Shadowhand is a strategic RPG card game. Duel powerful enemies in 18th Century England with unique solitaire-style turn-based combat. Equip your character strategically to sneak, slice and blast through foes!

Players Like...

❤ Solitaire-Style Card Gameplay

Players clear randomly generated card layouts by matching adjacent cards that are one higher or lower in value. Clearing chains of cards builds combo multipliers and charges up special abilities and weapons. This simple yet addictive card clearing forms the core gameplay loop.

❤ RPG Progression System

Beyond the solitaire mechanics, the experience elevates with RPG progression. As players clear levels, they earn experience points to level up the protagonist, Lady Cornelia Darkmoor. This allows them to unlock and upgrade a variety of character stats, skills, and equipment options, such as different weapons, armor, and accessories that provide unique passive and active abilities.

❤ Strategic Duels

The game's key innovation are the "duels" - turn-based card battles against AI opponents. In these duels, the player and enemy take turns clearing cards from a shared board, with the goal of depleting each other's health pools through the damage their equipped weapons deal. Mastering the nuances of these duels, like carefully managing card plays to deny combo opportunities for the enemy while also building one's own offense, is crucial for success on the higher difficulty settings.

❤ Randomization and Replayability

The reliance on random card layouts and enemy configurations lends itself well to replayability, as no two levels or battles play out exactly the same. This randomization, combined with the game's lengthy campaign and optional challenge modes, provides considerable longevity for those who enjoy the core loop.

❤ Visual Presentation and Narrative

Visually, the game's 18th century English setting is brought to life through detailed hand-drawn artwork, and the tongue-in-cheek story following Lady Cornelia Darkmoor's adventures provides narrative motivation for the gameplay, even if it acts primarily as window dressing.

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