Deponia Doomsday

by Daedalic Entertainment

The Developer Says...

Can you change Deponia's fate? Do you have what it takes to change Rufus' past, present and future without accidently destroying the whole planet? Fight time itself in this action-packed, platypus-tastic and insanely hilarious story.

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay and Puzzles

The puzzles require creatively combining items in unconventional ways, going beyond simple fetch quests
Solving the puzzles often involves multiple steps and thinking several moves ahead, providing a sense of satisfaction when completed

❤ Characters and Humor

The game retains the absurdist, slapstick humor that fans loved in the Deponia trilogy, with Rufus constantly finding himself in increasingly outrageous predicaments
The introduction of the time-traveling scientist McChronicle provides a new dynamic, as his dry, sarcastic wit plays off Rufus' impulsive nature

❤ Story and Themes

The time travel mechanic allows the game to explore alternative timelines and "what-if" scenarios, giving players a new perspective on the Deponia universe
The game delves deeper into the relationship between Rufus and Goal, shedding light on their backstories and the nature of their bond

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