Dream Quest

by Peter Whalen

The Developer Says...

Play cards! Kill monsters! Level Up! Dream Quest is a roguelike deckbuilding game inspired by the likes of Ascension, Magic: the Gathering, and Shandalar. Explore randomly generated levels as one of 13 classes in short, 30 minute, sessions.

Players Like...

❤ Deckbuilding Mechanics

Players construct a deck of cards that represent their character's abilities. Each character class has a unique set of card types they are more likely to encounter, allowing for diverse playstyles. Carefully choosing which cards to add to the deck is crucial, as players must create a synergistic and powerful combination of abilities.

❤ Combat System

Combat is resolved through a card-based system. Players play a hand of cards from their deck, with each card representing an attack, spell, or other ability. Opposing monsters also have their own decks, creating an engaging back-and-forth as both sides attempt to outmaneuver the other. This card-based combat system allows for a high degree of strategy, as players must consider not just the power of individual cards, but how they interact with each other and the enemy's potential plays.

❤ Roguelike Elements

Each run through the game's levels is randomly generated, and death is permanent. This creates a high-stakes, replayable experience where players must adapt to the challenges presented in each run. The randomized levels and enemy encounters ensure that no two runs are exactly the same, requiring players to develop a versatile set of strategies and deckbuilding approaches.

❤ Progression and Unlocks

As players progress, they unlock new character classes, cards, and other gameplay elements. This persistent progression system encourages players to keep experimenting and trying new strategies, as they unlock more powerful and diverse options to use in future runs. The unlocks provide a sense of accomplishment and progression, even as players inevitably face defeat during individual runs.

❤ Depth and Complexity

The game's deckbuilding mechanics, varied character classes, and challenging combat system create a highly strategic experience that rewards careful planning and execution. Players often remark on the game's addictive nature, as they strive to optimize their decks and unlock new possibilities.

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