Brighter Day

by girl software

The Developer Says...

Probably the most colorful horror game you've ever played. Hide from moaning disembodied eyeballs while facing existential dread, ambient music, and alternative medicine.

Players Like...

❤ Unique Stealth Mechanics

Players praise the game's unique stealth mechanics, which task them with sneaking past large, floating eyeballs. These eyeballs will incapacitate the player if spotted, creating a tense, suspenseful atmosphere. Reviewers highlight the sound design, with the ominous hum of the eyeballs warning players of their approach. Finding creative ways to distract or paralyze the eyeballs is a central part of the gameplay loop, as players report feeling genuine dread when encountering these unsettling enemies.

❤ Exploration and Environmental Storytelling

Instead of providing explicit direction, the game encourages players to uncover the narrative and mysteries through careful exploration of the game world. Reviewers appreciate this approach, as it adds to the sense of disorientation and discovery while navigating the strange, pastel-colored clinic and its surrounding areas. Collectible items like tarot cards deepen the unsettling atmosphere by providing additional lore and context, with one player stating that "the story turns out to be very dark once you fully understand it."

❤ Challenging, Non-Linear Progression

The game's lack of handholding and clear objectives forces players to experiment and think critically to progress, which some reviewers find rewarding. However, this approach can also lead to frustration, with a few players noting that they became lost or stuck at certain points, particularly in the game's "cave" section. Despite these challenges, many players seem to appreciate the game's refusal to hold their hand, with one reviewer stating that "the game never tells you where to go, you have to explore to find the exit. Personally I appreciated this."

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