Misericorde: Volume One


The Developer Says...

Misericorde: Volume One is the first part of a series of mystery visual novels set in a convent in 1482.

Players Like...

❤ Storytelling and Mystery

The complex, multi-layered plot that constantly recontextualizes the mystery surrounding Sister Catherine's murder, challenging players to reevaluate their assumptions about the suspect nuns and their motives.
The way the narrative seamlessly intertwines the central whodunit with deeper thematic explorations of faith, spirituality, and the human condition within the cloistered monastic setting.
The literary quality of the writing, which avoids clichés or archetypes common to the visual novel genre, instead offering an engaging work of fiction that buries itself in the player's mind long after completion.

❤ Characters and Characterization

The nuanced, fully-realized portrayals of the diverse cast of nuns, each with distinct personalities, ideologies, and complicated relationships that feel grounded and authentic.
The way the protagonist Hedwig's outsider status and struggles to adapt to communal living provide a window into the insular world of the monastery, constantly challenging the player's own preconceptions.
The compelling character arcs and narrative voices of supporting nuns like the neurodivergent Darcy, who stand out as memorably complex individuals.

❤ Themes and Atmosphere

The evocative, almost tangible depiction of the cloistered, insular 15th century Benedictine monastery, which becomes a character in its own right.
The game's exploration of weighty themes like faith, identity, and the human condition, contextualized through the lens of monastic life.
The atmospheric, genre-blending soundtrack that heightens the sense of mystery and tension, helping to fully immerse the player in the world of the game.

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