New York Mysteries: Secrets of the Mafia Collector's Edition


The Developer Says...

A captivating detective adventure with elements of mysticism, telling a story of kidnapped children and mafia bosses.

Players Like...

❤ Story and Narrative

Unique blend of detective story, supernatural elements, and 1950s New York setting, centering around the disappearances of mafia bosses and children
Intriguing plot twist involving a secret organization and an underground city, adding depth and complexity to the mystery
Strong sense of period atmosphere, with the narrative evoking the noir-esque feel of the era

❤ Gameplay

Hidden object scenes that require interacting with the environment to find silhouetted objects, rather than just searching a list, adding a puzzle-solving element
Ability to replay specific puzzles from the extras menu to earn achievements, allowing players to target their efforts
Optional integrated strategy guide that can be selectively used to find collectibles or get unstuck, providing a helpful resource without hand-holding

❤ Collectibles and Replayability

Multiple collections to complete, such as casino chips and statues of liberty, adding depth and incentive to explore the game world
Morphing objects that change form over time, challenging players to pay close attention to their surroundings
Bonus chapter that extends the playtime and provides additional content after the main story

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