Chip's Challenge 2

by Niffler Ltd.

The Developer Says...

Chip is back and this time he's teamed up with Melinda to try and solve even more puzzles built from a combination of new and old monster, hazards and game elements created by Vladimir Gerajkee The Puzzle Master.

Players Like...

❤ Overview

Niffler Ltd. finally released the long-awaited sequel in 2015 after decades of development delays. Building upon the beloved formula of the 1989 original, the game features 200 new levels, new gameplay elements, and the ability to play as both the protagonist Chip and his girlfriend Melinda.

❤ Puzzle Gameplay

The sequel retains the classic tile-based puzzle gameplay, challenging players to navigate levels, collect computer chips, and reach the exit while strategically utilizing a diverse array of tiles and objects. The inclusion of new elements, such as wires and logic gates, adds an extra layer of complexity, forcing players to think in new and creative ways. Many reviewers described the gameplay as significantly more difficult than the original, with some levels deemed "brutal" or "unfair" in their design. However, this increased challenge is also viewed positively, as it heightens the sense of accomplishment when overcoming the game's complex obstacles.

❤ Character Mechanics

One key addition is the ability to play as both Chip and Melinda, each with distinct movement and interaction capabilities. Mastering the nuances of each character's mechanics and understanding how to best utilize their respective strengths and weaknesses is crucial for progressing through the puzzles. Reviewers noted this added layer of complexity as a positive, as it allows for more varied and interesting puzzle designs.

❤ Level Editor and Community

The game's robust level editor enables players to create and share their own custom puzzles, further extending the game's longevity and replayability. The Steam Workshop integration makes it easy for players to discover and download new user-created levels, with reviewers highlighting the wealth of high-quality, challenging puzzles already produced by the community. Many expressed excitement to see what future creations will emerge.

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