Xenonauts 2

by Goldhawk Interactive, Hooded Horse

The Developer Says...

Wage a global war of resistance against an alien invasion. Command turn-based tactical battles, build a network of covert bases, directly control your fighter wings, and achieve strategic victory in a simulation of asymmetric warfare against a technologically superior foe.

Players Like...

❤ Tactical Combat

The turn-based tactical combat system lies at the heart of the gameplay experience. Players must carefully position their soldiers, utilize cover, and coordinate their actions to eliminate the alien threat. The game features a variety of unique alien enemy types, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and tactics, forcing players to adapt their strategies accordingly. Many reviews praise the tactical combat as a faithful and improved implementation of the classic XCOM formula. For example, enemies no longer have a superior sight range, making combat encounters more fair and engaging. Aliens also exhibit more aggressive behavior, no longer camping in the same spot, leading to more dynamic battles. The rotatable camera allows players to better survey the battlefield and plan their moves. However, some reviewers note the enemy accuracy can feel too high at times, making the combat overly punishing. Others find the weapon balance uneven, with machine guns feeling less effective compared to previous games. Overall, the tactical combat stands out as the game's strongest and most refined aspect.

❤ Base Management

Alongside the tactical battles, the game features a strategic layer of base management. Players must construct and expand covert bases around the globe to detect, intercept, and engage the alien forces. This includes building radar stations, fighter squadrons, research facilities, and more. Reviewers praise the expanded base management mechanics, such as adjacency bonuses that encourage thoughtful base layout. The addition of a power system, requiring generators, also adds an extra layer of planning and resource management. Many highlight the ability to directly control fighter wings in air combat as a welcome change.

❤ Progression and Research

Progression is driven by researching new technologies. As players capture alien specimens and wreckage, their scientists can uncover insights about the enemy's biology and capabilities. This unlocks upgraded weapons, armor, and other advantages to aid the player's forces. Reviews note the research system feels more fleshed out compared to the previous game. The ability to sell alien corpses on the necrophiliac market is also humorously highlighted as an interesting new addition. However, some express concern that the lack of certain late-game technologies limits the sense of progression in the current Early Access build.

❤ Replayability and Emergent Narrative

The game is praised for its replayability, with each campaign offering a unique experience. Procedural generation of mission locations, layouts, and enemy compositions, combined with the varied strategic and tactical choices, ensures no two playthroughs are the same. Additionally, the narrative emerges organically from the player's actions and the ebb and flow of the alien invasion, rather than being rigidly scripted. The inclusion of human antagonist groups like the Cleaners adds an extra layer of complexity and uncertainty to the story. Reviewers highlight this emergent narrative as a strength, appreciating how it aligns with the open-ended, sandbox nature of the gameplay.

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