Solace Inc.

by AploveStudio

The Developer Says...

A survivors-like about a time-travelling company where you recruit your employees against endless hordes of enemies.

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Overview

The core loop involves recruiting a team of diverse characters, each with their own weapons, abilities, and synergies, to battle endless waves of enemies. Over 100 unique characters are available to unlock and recruit, allowing players to choose from a wide variety of quirky, charming, and surprisingly deep personalities. The ability to mix and match team compositions and synergies adds a strategic layer, as players experiment to find the most effective and complementary squads.

❤ Character Recruitment and Customization

While the base character roster is extensive, the game also enables players to create their own "intern" characters with a limited set of customization options. This feature, while not as robust as some would like, adds an element of personal expression and ownership.

❤ Horde Survival and Gameplay Variation

Beyond the standard wave-clearing, the game introduces a variety of unique mission types and gameplay variations. Reviews praise the surprising depth and variety of these diversions, which include elements like racing, mini-golf, tower defense, and even a Solitaire-like card game. These gameplay variations help to keep the experience fresh and engaging, providing a welcome respite from the chaos of the main horde battles.

❤ Upgrades and Progression

As players progress, they can unlock new characters, upgrade their existing party members, and gain access to powerful abilities and synergies. This sense of progression and character growth is a key part of the appeal, as players work to build ever-more powerful and synergistic teams.

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