Skator Gator

by Weathered Sweater

The Developer Says...

SKATOR GATOR puts you in the scales of Greenjamin Gator as you skate across a wide network of oil pipelines leading to the big city, dodging robots and avoiding the polluted swamp waters below.

Players Like...

❤ Responsive Two-Button Controls

Players control the skateboarding alligator protagonist, Greenjamin Gator, using only the up and down arrow keys, a simple yet compelling control scheme that reviewers praise as easy to learn but difficult to master. Greenjamin's movements feel "excellent" and "satisfying" to execute, creating a sense of flow and momentum as players navigate the game's challenges.

❤ Challenging, Creative Level Design

As players progress through the game's 20+ levels, they encounter a diverse array of dynamic obstacles and environmental hazards, such as enemy robots, swinging platforms, and pools of polluted water, that test their platforming skills. Reviewers highlight the satisfying sense of accomplishment that comes from overcoming these challenges, particularly on the more difficult "secret" levels, which introduce new mechanics and ramp up the difficulty.

❤ Replayability through Speedrunning and Collectibles

In addition to the core platforming challenges, the game encourages replayability through the inclusion of collectible gator eggs scattered throughout each level, as well as special developer times that players can attempt to beat. This score-attack element motivates players to revisit levels in pursuit of 100% completion and personal speed records.

❤ Smooth, Accessible Gameplay

Despite the game's challenging nature, reviewers generally agree that the difficulty curve is well-balanced, gradually introducing new mechanics and obstacles to keep the gameplay engaging without becoming overly frustrating. The game's short level length and ability to quickly restart after death help mitigate the impact of any particularly difficult sections, making the overall experience accessible and enjoyable.

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