Trash Quest

by Francis Vace

The Developer Says...

Trash Quest is a compact metroidvania with a single spawn point, run and gun action and tight platforming. Navigate an interwoven maze of rooms through this space station, destroying robots, collecting power ups and unlocking shortcuts.

Players Like...

❤ Tight, Responsive Controls

Players praise the game's smooth, precise platforming mechanics, which feel "silky smooth" and facilitate "surgeon-like precision" when executing the demanding platforming challenges. The movement controls are highly responsive, allowing players to nimbly navigate the game's levels.

❤ Varied Movement Abilities

As players progress, they unlock a variety of movement abilities, including double jump, triple jump, hover, and glide. Reviewers note that these abilities can be combined together, enabling complex platforming maneuvers. Mastering the intricacies of the movement system is key to success.

❤ Challenging Platforming Gauntlets

The game world is described as a "labyrinth filled with challenging platforming challenges and enemies" that require careful timing and execution to navigate. Players must overcome these demanding platforming sections, which test their skill with increasingly difficult obstacles.

❤ Unique Boss Battles

The game features 6 unique boss battles, each with distinct patterns and attack styles that players must learn to overcome. Reviewers praise these "timing-based" boss fights as challenges that push players to demonstrate their mastery of the game's mechanics. Defeating the final boss, in particular, is cited as a significant accomplishment.

❤ Exploration and Progression

Progression is tied to exploration, as players uncover new areas, secrets, and power-ups. The interconnected, labyrinthine level design encourages backtracking and the discovery of shortcuts to make navigation more efficient. Reviewers highlight the satisfaction of exploring the game world and gradually unlocking new abilities.

❤ Speedrunning Potential

The game includes features specifically tailored towards speedrunning, such as an in-game timer and tools to assist with practice. Reviewers note that the game's short length and challenging gameplay make it well-suited for speedrunning, further extending the gameplay experience for dedicated players.

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