Goodbye Deponia

by Daedalic Entertainment

The Developer Says...

More chaos, more destruction, more Rufus. Not one, not two, but three Rufuses cause all kinds of crazy mayhem in the long-awaited adventure comedy Goodbye Deponia!

Players Like...

❤ Story and Characters

The ability to control multiple Rufus clones, which allowed players to experience the hilarious chaos and complications that arose from having three versions of the protagonist working together (or against each other) to solve problems.
The unexpected twists and turns in the plot, such as the revelation about Rufus's origins and the Organon's plans for the destruction of Deponia, which kept players engaged and guessing.
The endearing character development of Rufus, where players grew to appreciate his quirks and flaws, despite his initial off-putting personality.

❤ Gameplay

The satisfying challenge of the puzzles, which required players to think creatively and experiment with various item combinations to progress through the game.
The option to skip complex puzzles, catering to players who preferred to focus more on the story and characters rather than being stuck on difficult challenges.
The diverse range of gameplay mechanics, including the need to coordinate the actions of multiple Rufuses, which added a layer of complexity and depth to the classic point-and-click experience.

❤ Audio and Sound Design

The seamless integration of the game's music, which established the comedic tone and enhanced the emotional moments throughout the narrative.
The attention to detail in the sound effects, which reinforced the quirky and whimsical atmosphere of the Deponia world.
The careful localization of the dialogues, which ensured that the humor and wit of the original German version shone through in the English translation.

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