
by Filament Games

The Developer Says...

RoboCo is a sandbox game about designing and building robots to serve the needs of squishy, hapless humans in the world of tomorrow!

Players Like...

❤ Robot Building and Customization

Vast array of parts that can be snapped together to create unique robot designs, enabling players to bring their imagination to life.
Ability to customize robot movement, operation, and appearance through adjusting controls, servo speeds, and adding cosmetic elements like googly eyes and hats.
Intuitive user interface that allows for in-depth tinkering with advanced part properties, empowering players to fine-tune their creations.

❤ Challenges and Gameplay

Diverse challenge objectives, such as delivering sandwiches, preparing a romantic dinner, and showcasing robot dance moves, which encourage players to design specialized robots for each task.
Hidden secondary objectives within each challenge level, providing an added layer of discovery and experimentation for players.
Engaging robot driving and control mechanics, which introduce their own set of challenges and require players to develop dexterity.

❤ Coding and Automation

Ability to program robot behaviors using the easy-to-learn Python language, allowing players to create truly autonomous machines.
Thorough documentation for the Python scripting features, making the system accessible to both novice and experienced programmers.
Powerful scripting capabilities that grant players fine-grained control over their robot's actions and decision-making.

❤ Community and Replayability

Integration with Steam's workshop, enabling players to share their robot creations and download designs from others for inspiration and remixing.
Unlocking new parts and gaining a deeper understanding of the game mechanics as players progress, encouraging them to revisit previous challenges with revised robot designs.
Flexibility to approach challenges in multiple ways, leading to a high degree of replayability as players experiment with different solutions.

❤ Educational Aspects

Simulation of the FIRST Robotics experience in a digital format, providing an accessible introduction to the principles of robotics.
Engagement of both children and adults in learning about programming and engineering through the game's hands-on approach.
Potential use as an educational tool in classrooms where physical robotics kits may not be available.

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