
by Tianmu Games

The Developer Says...

Rich Party is a 3D multiplayer casual chess game, in which players would take on animals’ appearance and pick up special talents. Through strategic action and random dice-casting, one could expand their assets till monopolize most resources. Invite your friend! Have a joyful match!

Players Like...

❤ Immersive Animal-Themed City

"Rich Party" transports players to a vibrant 3D world called Animal City, where they can assume the identities of various animal characters, each with their own distinct abilities and strategic advantages.

❤ Strategic Asset Expansion

The core gameplay loop challenges players to strategically expand their assets and resources to monopolize the city's key locations. Each turn, players roll dice to determine their movement, encountering different events and opportunities along the way.

❤ Purchasing and Constructing Properties

When players land on unclaimed land, they can purchase and construct houses or specialized buildings, such as airports, shopping malls, and insurance companies. These properties generate tolls from other players who land on them, incentivizing strategic real estate investments.

❤ Versatile Card System

In addition to managing their land and capital, players can leverage a diverse deck of cards to temporarily control their opponents' movements, exchange resources with the surrounding environment, or protect themselves from adversity. This card system adds an extra layer of strategic depth and opportunity for clever maneuvers.

❤ Customization and Personalization

The game offers extensive customization options, allowing players to personalize their character appearances and create custom vehicle or weapon mods using the Steam Workshop. This feature enables players to express their creativity and tailor the experience to their preferences.

❤ Positive Community Feedback

According to player reviews, the game has received an overwhelmingly positive response, with 86% of the 732 reviews praising its ability to capture the nostalgia of classic board games while incorporating modern elements that enhance the overall experience. The game's continued development and support for Steam Workshop suggest a promising future for the title.

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