The Shell Part II: Purgatorio

by Innocent Grey, Shiravune

The Developer Says...

Detective Reiji Tokisaka is back to face down a mystery that spans decades, if not centuries. With the aftermath of his last case weighing on his soul and a long-silent cult resurgent, can he solve the crime—or will it become his curse?

Players Like...

❤ Narrative Structure and Progression

Players take on the role of private detective Reiji Tokisaka as he investigates a series of ritualistic murders connected to a long-dormant cult. The game features a complex, decades-spanning mystery that alternates between Reiji's present-day investigation and flashbacks to a historical murder case in the rural village of Hitogata. While the opening chapters focusing on the Hitogata incident may initially feel slow-paced, the story eventually ties these events directly into the main plot, rewarding patient players with a cohesive and impactful overarching narrative.

❤ Branching Storylines and Endings

As a visual novel, the experience offers multiple branching storylines and endings based on the player's choices. Reviewers praise the game for providing a meaningful sense of player agency, noting that decisions impact the narrative in significant ways. Some mention the game is less punishingly difficult than the first entry, making it more accessible for newcomers to achieve an initial "normal" ending. However, the game still maintains a high degree of narrative complexity, with deeper, more challenging true endings that require careful decision-making to unlock, encouraging multiple playthroughs.

❤ Characterization and Relationships

In addition to the central mystery, the game's well-developed cast of characters and their interpersonal relationships are highlighted as a major strength. Returning favorites like Reiji, his sister Yukari, and love interest Kyoko continue to evolve, while new additions like the troubled Tomoyuki Masaki add new layers to the story. Reviewers note the character interactions and growing bonds between the protagonists are engaging to follow, providing an emotional counterpoint to the game's darker themes.

❤ Production Values and Presentation

Visually, the game is praised for its high-quality, atmospheric artwork and cinematic presentation. The art style and background illustrations are described as beautifully and painstakingly crafted, with a strong sense of period detail and location. The implementation of full Japanese voice acting by a talented cast is also singled out as a highlight, elevating the narrative presentation. Reviewers mention the sound design and soundtrack contribute significantly to the game's immersive, suspenseful mood.

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