Developed by Kojima Productions and PlatinumGames, METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE takes the renowned METAL GEAR franchise into exciting new territory with an all-new action experience. The game seamlessly melds pure action and epic story-telling that surrounds Raiden – a child soldier transformed into a half-human, half-cyborg ninja who...
The combat system demands precision and aggression from the player. Tapping the light attack button in the direction of an incoming strike triggers a perfectly timed parry, allowing you to seamlessly transition into a devastating counter. Nailing these parry windows opens up enemy defenses, giving you the chance to eviscerate them with a flurry of sword slashes and acrobatic strikes.
The game's signature mechanic, "Zandatsu," empowers you to extract precious fuel cells from stunned enemies. Initiating Blade Mode slows down time, enabling you to freely aim and slice through your target. Carving into the right spots allows you to harvest their resources, replenishing your own health and energy reserves. This high-risk, high-reward system encourages you to constantly seek openings, rewarding your ability to read enemy patterns and execute decisive cuts.
You'll encounter a wide variety of enemy types, each with their own unique attacks and weaknesses. Nimble cyborg troopers may require a more evasive approach, while towering mech units call for a surgical application of the Zandatsu mechanics. The game constantly tests your adaptability, pushing you to experiment with the robust upgrade system and customize Raiden's capabilities to overcome each new challenge.
The boss encounters are widely regarded as some of the game's strongest moments. These larger-than-life adversaries possess intricate movesets and patterns that demand your full focus and mastery of the combat system. Emerging victorious from these dramatic, cinematic showdowns delivers an immense sense of accomplishment, cementing the boss battles as highlights of the action-packed experience.
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