Red Tape

by Pollaris Studios, DreadXP

The Developer Says...

Explore 9 levels of corporate hell as you work to clear your name with the Devil and restore balance between Heaven and Hell.

Players Like...

❤ Narrative and Worldbuilding

The game's premise of an angel trapped in a corporate interpretation of Hell due to a paperwork mishap is an intriguing blend of religious mythology and office satire.
Players praised the game's worldbuilding, which depicts Hell as a nine-floor corporate office, with each department representing a different sin from Dante's Inferno (e.g., Lust, Greed, Wrath).
The writing is described as witty, silly, and irreverent, with players enjoying the random and absurd dialogue between the protagonist and the various denizens of this corporate Hell.

❤ Exploration and Progression

The ability to progress through the game's nine distinct corporate departments, each with their own challenges and quirks, provides a sense of narrative progression and discovery.
The quest log system helps guide players through the linear narrative while still allowing for some optional exploration of the environment.
Players appreciated the humorous experience of ascending the corporate ladder within the depths of Hell.

❤ Gameplay

While the game is primarily a walking simulator with fetch quests, many players found these tasks to be reasonable and not overly convoluted.
The brief platforming sections, while not particularly challenging, were welcomed by some players as a change of pace from the walking and talking.

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