Dinky Guardians

by Endless Loop Studios, Code Monkey

The Developer Says...

⬆️ Clone your first 🐷Dinky, give them 👉orders to help you, Research 🦾Automation Machines, Defend your Colony from the 👿Zumbys, Build a 🚀Rocket, colonize other 🌍Planets and set up supply chains between them! Play Solo👤 or Co-op👥

Players Like...

❤ Automation and Resource Management

Players can clone their initial character, called a "Dinky", and assign them tasks like gathering resources or crafting objects. As they progress, players unlock new technologies that allow them to build automated machines to take over these tasks more efficiently than the Dinkys. Reviewers praise the satisfying automation mechanics, which let them gradually streamline and optimize their colony's production and resource gathering. They enjoy watching their colony become increasingly self-sufficient as they unlock new automation tools.

❤ Tower Defense and Colony Protection

In addition to automation, the game incorporates tower defense elements. Periodically, "Zumby" enemies will attack the colony at night. To protect the Dinkys, players can research and build defensive structures like mines and gun towers. Reviewers comment that while the tower defense is relatively basic, it adds an engaging challenge that requires players to balance automation with effective colony defense. Some note that the difficulty ramps up significantly, forcing them to plan their defensive setup more strategically.

❤ Planetary Expansion and Logistics

Players can build a rocket to travel to and colonize multiple unique planets, each with their own resources. Gathering and transporting resources between these colonies becomes an important logistical challenge. Reviewers enjoy the sense of progression as they unlock new planets and technologies. Building an efficient supply chain between colonies is praised as a satisfying optimization puzzle.

❤ Cooperative Multiplayer

The game also supports cooperative multiplayer for up to four players. Reviewers who have tried the co-op mode report that it adds a new layer of coordination and strategy, as players must communicate and collaborate to defend their colony, divide tasks, and specialize in different areas. The multiplayer experience is described as both challenging and rewarding.

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