The Ouroboros King

by Oriol Cosp Games, Hawthorn Games

The Developer Says...

The Ouroboros King combines the strategic depth of chess with the build variety and replayability of roguelikes. Assemble a formidable army, discover powerful relics, and buy surprising gadgets to defeat the Coven.

Players Like...

❤ Unconventional Piece Mechanics

The game combines classic chess with a variety of unconventional fairy chess pieces, each with their own unique movement and attack patterns. For instance, the Infiltrator can move an unlimited number of squares along the outside of the board, allowing you to snipe enemy pieces from afar. The Hydra, on the other hand, can attack in any of the three vertical rows adjacent to the piece. These unusual mechanics force players to rethink traditional chess strategies.

❤ Customizable Army Building

A key aspect of the gameplay is assembling your own customized army. You can choose from a wide selection of classic and new chess pieces, equip them with powerful relics that grant bonuses, and utilize consumable items to gain temporary advantages. Carefully synergizing these different elements is crucial to creating a winning strategy.

❤ Strategic Depth

While you can only move one piece per turn, each decision holds significant weight. Positioning and coordinating your troops effectively is essential to obliterating the enemy army. The game's chess-based tactics are easy to learn but challenging to master, rewarding players who can plan several moves ahead.

❤ Roguelike Replayability

If you are defeated, you can start a new run on a different timeline, where the map layout, enemy composition, and available rewards will be randomized. This roguelike structure, combined with the diverse set of chess pieces and power-ups, ensures that no two runs feel the same, constantly presenting fresh challenges.

❤ Adjustable Difficulty

The game offers a wide range of difficulty settings, allowing players to fine-tune the experience to their preferences. You can tweak the intelligence of the AI opponents and adjust the starting gold, creating a more casual or intensely challenging experience depending on your skill level.

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