RPG Architect

by Monster and Robot L.L.C.

The Developer Says...

Want to build a game, but not sure where to start? Focus on designing your game and let RPG Architect do the rest! We've abstracted most of the nitty-gritty stuff out so you can focus on building your next great adventure!

Players Like...

❤ Customization and Flexibility

Ability to design custom user interfaces, including menus, overlays, and battle systems, without relying on third-party plugins.
Freedom to adjust game settings like tile size, resolution, and character movement (grid-based or pixel-based) to suit the desired aesthetics and gameplay.
Powerful map editor that allows seamless transitions between 2D and 3D perspectives, with the ability to layer and manipulate terrain and objects.

❤ Expansive Feature Set

Integrated support for advanced mechanics like custom character statistics, skill/spell formulas, and equipment/inventory management systems.
Compatibility with a wide range of game genres, from classic JRPGs to action-oriented titles, without being limited to a specific style.
Provision of a diverse set of pre-made resources, including music, sound effects, and character sprites, to expedite the development process.

❤ Developer Engagement and Community

Highly responsive and dedicated developer who consistently releases updates to address bugs and implement community feedback.
Welcoming and helpful community that provides tutorials, sample projects, and troubleshooting assistance to aid new users.
Developer's demonstrated commitment to continually expanding the engine's capabilities based on user needs.

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