
by j4nw

The Developer Says...

Pawnbarian is a quick-playing, turn-based puzzle roguelike. Play cards to move your hero like a chess piece, and conquer challenging dungeons full of cunning monsters!

Players Like...

❤ Precise Tactical Puzzles

You control a hero character on a 5x5 grid, using a hand of 3 chess piece cards to plan your moves and attacks each turn. The core loop challenges you to carefully consider the movement and attack patterns of each chess piece, setting up combos and outmaneuvering the enemy monsters. However, the opponents also move and attack on their turn, forcing you to anticipate their actions and avoid taking damage.

❤ Varied Playstyles and Characters

The game features 6 playable characters, each with a unique deck of chess piece cards and special abilities. For example, the Pawnbarian uses a standard chess set but can promote pawns to queens, while the Knight Templar's deck is entirely knights, allowing for chained knight moves. Mastering each character's strengths and weaknesses is crucial to success, adding significant replayability.

❤ Layered Tactical Depth

The basic chess-like movement is enhanced by a variety of enemy types, environmental hazards, and difficulty modifiers. Some foes can dodge attacks, become immune, or force you to take damage, requiring careful planning to overcome. The "Chain" system also lets you voluntarily increase the challenge for greater rewards, testing your mastery of the game's systems.

❤ Bite-Sized, Iterative Progression

A typical run takes 15-30 minutes to complete, divided into 7 floors. This fast-paced structure encourages experimentation, as you can quickly start a new attempt after a defeat. Losses don't feel overly punishing, allowing you to learn from mistakes and gradually improve your tactical skills through successive runs.

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