
by Vilius Prakapas

The Developer Says...

An action-packed roguelite shooter where you battle famous works of art and each level you beat becomes a masterpiece to add to your colorful collection.

Players Like...

❤ Satisfying Shooting Mechanics

Players praise the responsive and snappy shooting controls. The game offers a variety of brushes to choose from, each with distinct firing patterns - from the slow and steady thick brush to the quick and nimble paint roller. Reviewers highlight the impactful feel of the weapons, with one player describing the act of shooting as "feeling so good."

❤ Procedural Painting Canvas

One of the game's standout features is the way each level becomes a unique, procedurally generated "painting" that is saved to the player's gallery. As enemies are defeated, their paint splatters across the screen in diverse patterns and styles, creating an ever-changing abstract canvas. Reviewers enjoy revisiting their past paintings, remarking on the satisfying visual feedback and the joy of seeing their handiwork.

❤ Upgrades and Customization Depth

Between levels, players can spend their earnings on a variety of upgrades and items to enhance their loadout. These include damage boosts, movement abilities, and utility items like paint turrets and friendly painting buckets. Reviewers highlight how this customization system adds depth to the gameplay, encouraging experimentation with different strategies and playstyles.

❤ Challenging and Creative Bosses

While regular levels are described as relatively easy, reviewers single out the game's boss battles as a particular highlight. The bosses are based on famous artworks that have been twisted and corrupted, forcing players to learn their unique attack patterns and dodge their paint-based projectiles. Reviewers praise the creativity and challenge presented by these boss encounters.

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