
by いとこん, ExertionGame

The Developer Says...

Dungeon Artifact is a roguelike deck-builder game with authentic card game elements. 300+ cards offer the possibility to create new combos all the time. Build the most powerful deck by your own hands and overwhelm your enemies!

Players Like...

❤ Deckbuilding Mechanics Encourage Experimentation

Players repeatedly acquire and delete cards to strengthen their deck in this roguelike deckbuilding game. The 300+ unique cards span four distinct categories: Active (immediate effects), Permanent (static powers), Counter (situational interference), and Artifact (persistent advantages). This varied card pool allows players to create endless strategic combinations, delighting in discovering powerful synergies.

❤ Flexible Character Selection Enables Diverse Playstyles

Gamers can choose between two playable characters, "Lydia" and "Smyrna," each with their own unique features and card pools. This character selection empowers players to approach the game from different angles, unlocking contrasting strategies and playstyles to experiment with.

❤ Procedurally Generated Dungeons Ensure Replayability

The game's roguelike nature introduces unpredictable challenges, as players navigate procedurally generated dungeons and encounters. Adapting one's deck and tactics to the ever-changing circumstances keeps each playthrough fresh and engaging.

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