
by Cassel Games

The Developer Says...

Ratopia is a new game that has combined elements of both strategic survival and city building. With plenty of content available, and more planned, enjoy a vast world to adventure and populate with citizens! Build your own economical system to sustain your ideal city of Ratopia.

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❤ Gameplay Overview

As the Rat Queen, you take direct control of an underground rat civilization, combining strategic survival and city-building elements. The game blends indirect command of your rat citizens, known as "Ratizens," with your ability to personally complete tasks as the Rat Queen.

❤ Resource Management and Economy

Sustaining your growing Ratizen population requires carefully managing a complex resource economy. You must produce and distribute essential goods like food, materials, and wealth, while navigating a customizable taxation and welfare system. Maintaining the delicate balance between income, spending, and citizen happiness is crucial to preserving a stable and prosperous colony.

❤ Citizen Needs and Happiness

Ratizens have diverse needs, including food, energy, hygiene, and entertainment, that you must address to keep them content and productive. Allocate resources and assign jobs to ensure your citizens are well-fed, rested, and fulfilling their roles. Neglecting their needs can spark unrest, crime, and even full-blown revolts that threaten your kingdom.

❤ Exploration and Expansion

The game world features a vast, varied landscape with different biomes and resources to uncover and exploit. Send your Rat Queen and Ratizens on expeditions to expand your colony's reach and establish control over new territories, crucial for long-term success.

❤ Challenges and Threats

Your Ratopia faces a range of challenges and threats, such as natural disasters, enemy raids, and internal conflicts within the Ratizen population. Develop effective defense strategies, including fortifications and specialized soldier units, to protect your colony from these dangers.

❤ The Rat Queen

As the customizable and upgradable Rat Queen, you can take a hands-on approach to colony management, performing tasks like mining, construction, combat, and exploration to complement your Ratizens' efforts.

❤ Emergent Gameplay and Replayability

The game's complex systems and randomized elements lead to unique, unpredictable scenarios in each playthrough, fostering emergent gameplay and high replayability. Adapting your strategies to the challenges presented ensures no two games are the same.

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