
by Dale Turner

The Developer Says...

A fusion of roguelikes and auto-battlers like never before seen. Recruit a party of mysterious heroes, navigate deadly lands, collect an arsenal of magical items, and vanquish a new evil threatening the realm!

Players Like...

❤ Carefully Construct Your Party

Players select 2-3 heroes from a pool of 21 unique characters to form their initial party. Each hero offers distinct abilities, stats, and roles like tank, DPS, or support. Skillfully combining heroes with complementary strengths is crucial, as the party size expands to 5 by Act 3, allowing for greater customization and experimentation.

❤ Navigate Randomized Paths

The gameplay progresses through 3 acts, each containing 3 randomized paths. These paths present varying enemy encounters, elite foes, events, and shops, rewarding players who understand how to position their party for success. Carefully choosing the optimal route based on the terrain and enemy types is a key strategic consideration.

❤ Equip Powerful Items

As players advance, they collect a diverse array of over 130 magical items. These items provide stat boosts and unique effects when equipped to heroes, enabling players to customize and specialize their party members. Deciding how to allocate these powerful items is a core part of the gameplay loop.

❤ Weigh Risky Decisions

The game features a "morale" system that functions as a form of health or lives. Losses in battle drain morale, but players can make risky decisions at events to boost their power at the cost of morale. Carefully weighing the tradeoffs of these choices is essential for pushing forward or playing conservatively.

❤ Unlock Deeper Complexity

As players defeat increasingly difficult "Corruption" levels and unlock more of the 21 heroes, the strategic considerations and potential character builds become more nuanced and rewarding. The game encourages experimentation and mastery, with the potential for discovering powerful "god run" combinations.

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