I'm on Observation Duty 6

by Notovia, Dreamloop Games

The Developer Says...

As an employee of a mysterious organization your job is to monitor live surveillance camera footage and spot anomalies using your sharp eyes and good memory. Can you survive the entire night shift or will you succumb into paranoia?

Players Like...

❤ Observing and Reporting Anomalies

Players must carefully monitor a series of surveillance camera feeds, diligently scanning each environment for any changes or disturbances. This could range from furniture moving on its own to supernatural entities manifesting in the rooms. The refined reporting system allows players to directly click on anomalies to file a report, rather than navigating through menus. This streamlines the process, though more complex anomalies still require selecting the appropriate type and location from a menu.

❤ Pacing and Challenge

The game presents a more measured pace compared to previous installments, with anomalies appearing at a steadier rate. This allows players to thoroughly examine each camera feed and commit details to memory before the next change occurs. While the base game is easier than its predecessors, the addition of a "Hard Mode" dramatically increases the frequency and subtlety of anomalies, demanding heightened focus and memorization from players.

❤ Environmental Immersion

The visuals have undergone a significant upgrade, featuring a vibrant, high-definition color palette that enhances the sense of environmental immersion. However, some players felt this came at the expense of the creepy ambiance present in earlier games. The inclusion of environmental storytelling, with lore snippets provided before each level, helps establish a stronger narrative context for the player's role as a surveillance operator.

❤ Cooperative Potential

While primarily a single-player experience, the game's mechanics lend themselves well to cooperative play. Players can share the observation and reporting duties with friends, either locally or through online streaming, adding a new layer of coordination and communication to the gameplay. Some players have expressed interest in the developers exploring a true multiplayer mode in future installments.

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