
by Chucklefish

The Developer Says...

You’ve fled your home, only to find yourself lost in space with a damaged ship. Your only option is to beam down to the planet below, repair your ship and set off to explore the universe...

Players Like...

❤ Exploration and Progression

Players can explore an infinite number of unique, procedurally-generated planets, each with their own biomes, resources, structures, and inhabitants. The core gameplay loop involves progressing through difficulty tiers by visiting these planets, gathering materials, and crafting better gear to access more challenging areas. As players travel to new planets, they can discover a wide variety of items, from common resources to rare artifacts. Uncovering the mysteries of the universe and scanning objects during exploration is a core part of the experience that many find highly compelling. The progression system steadily improves the player's abilities and gear as they travel to more difficult planets and biomes, driving the constant desire to explore new areas and uncover more powerful equipment.

❤ Building and Customization

The game provides a robust building and crafting system that allows for a high degree of customization. Players can construct a wide variety of structures, from simple cabins to sprawling cities, using an extensive catalog of building materials and objects. The ability to personalize living spaces and bases is a major draw, as the game's pixel art style and diverse array of building components enable players to create unique and visually striking structures. Players can also customize their character's appearance, weaponry, and abilities, further enhancing the sense of ownership and investment in their in-game persona.

❤ Multiplayer and Modding

Starbound features excellent multiplayer support, allowing players to explore the universe and collaborate (or compete) with friends through seamless drop-in/drop-out co-op gameplay. The game's thriving modding community is another significant draw, as Starbound's extensive modding support and the availability of numerous high-quality mods, such as "Frackin' Universe," allow players to significantly expand and customize the content, systems, and gameplay to suit their preferences.

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