Spell Defender

by Jesper Bergman

The Developer Says...

Spell Defender is a 3D, Third-Person, wave defence, survival Roguelite. Use magical powers to defeat waves of enemies. Each wave rewards you with a choice of a new power. Find synergies and combine these powers to create the ultimate defender.

Players Like...

❤ Diverse Spell Selection and Synergistic Potential

The game offers a wide variety of magical spells that players can choose from and combine in creative ways. Each wave presents the player with a choice of new spells or spell upgrades, allowing them to continually evolve their playstyle and discover powerful synergies. Reviewers highlight the "ton of different spells and passives" that can be experimented with, such as the highly effective "Wind Fissure" and "Earth Spike" abilities, to find the optimal build for each playthrough.

❤ Smooth and Satisfying Combat

The gameplay centers around using these magical abilities to fend off waves of enemies. Reviewers describe the combat as "smooth and satisfying", with spells feeling "great" to cast and use. The ability to mix melee "punching" attacks with ranged spells adds depth to the combat, enabling players to develop their own unique playstyles.

❤ Meaningful Progression System

Between runs, players can use the currency they've earned to permanently upgrade their character's stats and abilities. This progression system creates a sense of ongoing growth and improvement, making each subsequent attempt feel more empowering. Reviewers appreciate the "permanent upgrades" that carry over, as it allows them to steadily become stronger and tackle higher difficulty levels.

❤ High Replayability

The game's roguelite structure, with randomized spell choices and enemy waves, also contributes to its replayability. Reviewers enjoy the challenge of adapting to the random elements and finding new spell combinations to overcome the escalating difficulty.

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