Bagel Love Story

by 橘子班, NVLMaker

The Developer Says...

A light-hearted and enjoyable short romance VN! The protagonist, Fan Tong, struggles to lose weight in hopes of finding a job, but the journey is far from smooth. Until one day, a cute and sunny girl named Bagel comes into his life, kickstarting a story of weight loss, cross-dressing, and romance!

Players Like...

❤ Engaging Visual Novel Narrative

The narrative in "Bagel Love Story" draws players into the story of Fan Tong, a law graduate struggling to find a job. The well-written script blends humor, heartwarming moments, and the protagonist's relatable journey of weight loss and self-discovery, creating an enjoyable, light-hearted experience that keeps players invested in the characters and their relationships.

❤ Immersive Storytelling and Characterization

Players form a genuine connection with the protagonist, as the game's strong character development and engaging storytelling allow them to witness Fan Tong's struggles and personal growth. The introduction of the charming and upbeat Bagel adds a wonderful dynamic, contributing to the overall heartwarming and relatable tone.

❤ Diverse Gameplay Mechanics

While primarily a visual novel, the game incorporates various gameplay elements that contribute to the overall experience. The weight loss mechanic enables players to actively participate in Fan Tong's fitness journey, adding a layer of interactivity to the narrative. The inclusion of a cross-dressing element provides an amusing and unique twist that further enhances the game's comedic and lighthearted appeal.

❤ Excellent Production Values

The game boasts impressive production values, with beautiful character designs, detailed background CGs, and a delightful chibi-style art style that effectively captures the whimsical and charming atmosphere. The soundtrack complements the narrative well, adding to the overall emotional impact and enjoyment of the gameplay.

❤ Cohesive Thematic Elements

The game's themes of weight loss, self-confidence, and the pursuit of one's dreams are woven seamlessly throughout the narrative, resonating with players as they witness Fan Tong's struggles and triumphs, ultimately leading to a heartwarming and satisfying conclusion. The inclusion of the author's real-life weight loss experience further adds to the authenticity and relatability of the story.

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