by Muro Studios, Iceberg Interactive

The Developer Says...

Deep underground, Gloom Girl discovers DOOMBLADE, a sentient weapon hellbent on escape after eons in chains. Together, “Doom and Gloom” embark on a vengeful quest to unlock the powerful abilities and destroy the Dread Lords once and for all in this 2D Action Metroidvania.

Players Like...

❤ Unique Movement Mechanics

Players praise the game's unconventional movement system, which allows the protagonist to use enemies as platforms for traversal. By aiming at and attacking foes, players can launch themselves off the enemies, enabling fluid and acrobatic navigation through the interconnected environments. Reviewers highlight how this twist on traditional metroidvania platforming feels "smooth" and "satisfying", as skilled players can chain attacks and movements seamlessly. Mastering the controls, which some initially find challenging, ultimately proves deeply rewarding. The ability to rapidly dash between enemies and platforms creates a heightened sense of momentum and speed, continuously opening up new traversal possibilities as the player's repertoire of abilities expands.

❤ Varied Abilities and Upgrades

As the player progresses, they unlock a variety of new movement and combat skills, such as the "Doom Drop" plummet and the ranged "Wicked Wind" attack. Reviewers emphasize how these upgrades steadily empower the player, leading to a satisfying sense of growth as they experiment with different ability combinations to overcome obstacles. The process of discovering and mastering these new tools is frequently cited as a core source of enjoyment, as players explore the limits of the game's mechanics and how they can be leveraged for speedier traversal and more effective battles.

❤ Challenging but Fair Combat

In addition to the unique movement, the game's combat is praised for its depth and challenge. Enemies and bosses demand careful timing and positioning to defeat, with players needing to skillfully launch themselves between foes while avoiding dangerous attack patterns. While some reviewers note occasional frustration with difficulty spikes, the general consensus is that the combat is "fair" and rewards patient, thoughtful play. The ability to target specific enemies and slay them with the weapon's "wrath" is seen as a satisfying core loop, with the need to constantly be in motion adding an extra layer of strategy. Many players draw comparisons to the combat in Hollow Knight, appreciating the high-stakes battles that nonetheless feel conquerable with practice and mastery of the game's mechanics.

❤ Fluid Exploration and Backtracking

Underlying the unique movement and combat is the game's strong metroidvania-style exploration. As the player gains new abilities, previously inaccessible areas of the interconnected world open up, encouraging thorough backtracking and discovery. Reviewers praise the fluidity of this exploration, with the swift traversal options making revisiting old zones feel engaging rather than tedious. The lack of an over-reliance on map markers or quest objectives is also welcomed, as it allows players to organically uncover the game's secrets and progression paths. That said, some players do note occasional frustration with getting lost or unsure of where to go next, wishing for slightly more guidance in the exploration. Overall, though, the freedom to chart one's own path through the atmospheric environments is seen as a strength, complementing the core movement-focused gameplay.

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