Classified: France '44

by Absolutely Games, Team17

The Developer Says...

Command an elite team of allied special operators in Nazi-occupied France wreaking havoc in the run up to D-Day in this ambitious turn-based tactics game. Take on the might of Germany's war machine and launch daring raids in occupied territory. Can you do enough to ensure Allied victory?

Players Like...

❤ Mastering Tactical Combat and Positioning

Players must carefully position their squad of Allied commandos and French resistance fighters to gain the upper hand in turn-based tactical combat. The game's unique morale system punishes even missed shots, as they can demoralize enemies, causing them to panic or become suppressed. This encourages players to consider not just eliminating threats, but also breaking their opponents' will to fight. Positioning is crucial, as the game rewards flanking maneuvers and ambushes. Players must carefully manage line-of-sight, cover, and enemy movement patterns to set up devastating attacks. The grid-based movement and action point system provide a satisfying level of tactical depth, challenging players to masterfully manage their squad's actions.

❤ Stealthy Infiltration and Ambushes

The game's emphasis on stealth and ambush gameplay is a standout feature. Many missions offer the opportunity to approach objectives quietly, allowing players to silently eliminate key targets and set up devastating ambushes. Players can leverage a variety of stealth-focused abilities and tools, such as silenced weapons and the ability to hide in cover. However, the game limits the number of stealth kills before enemy patrols become alerted, forcing players to carefully plan their approach and decide when to transition from stealth to an all-out assault. The tension and satisfaction of setting up a perfect ambush, only to watch it unfold, is a highlight of the gameplay.

❤ Customizing and Developing Your Squad

As players progress through the campaign, they can recruit and develop a diverse cast of Allied operatives, each with their own unique skills and abilities. The game's class-based system, coupled with a robust skill tree, allows players to tailor their squad to their preferred playstyle, whether it's a stealthy infiltration team or a heavily-armed assault squad. Customizing each character's appearance, equipment, and weaponry further enhances the sense of ownership and investment in the squad. As players level up their operatives and witness their growth, they become more attached to the characters and the overall narrative.

❤ Diverse Missions and Replayability

The game offers a wide variety of mission types, ranging from stealthy infiltration to all-out assaults on German targets. Each mission presents unique tactical challenges, with different environmental obstacles, enemy compositions, and objectives to overcome. This variety keeps the gameplay fresh and engaging, as players must adapt their strategies to the specific requirements of each scenario. Furthermore, the game's replayability is bolstered by the inclusion of a mission creator tool, which allows players to design and share their own custom missions. This, combined with the game's multiple campaign paths and ending conditions, encourages players to revisit the game and explore different approaches to the tactical challenges.

❤ Immersing Players in World War II

The game excels at immersing players in the gritty realities of the French resistance during World War II. The attention to historical detail, from the period-accurate weaponry and equipment to the inclusion of real-world historical events and figures, helps to create a compelling and authentic setting. The game's narrative is further enhanced by the personal stories and interactions between the player's squad members. The campfire scenes, where characters share insights and develop relationships, add depth and emotional resonance to the overall experience. These narrative elements, combined with the game's historical context, help to create a cohesive and engaging world for players to inhabit.

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