
by David Schmidthoffer, Mae Livingston, self-published

The Developer Says...

BroodStar is a classic arcade shmup with roguelike elements. Acquire crazy item combos, encounter strange events and fight challenging bosses on a quest to destroy the living planet, the BroodStar.

Players Like...

❤ Roguelike Shmup Mechanics

The game throws players into 12 procedurally generated levels, forcing them to navigate through hordes of enemies and challenging boss fights in an attempt to defeat the final boss, the living planet. However, if players succumb to the onslaught at any point, the game sends them back to the start, with only the research points they've accumulated from previous runs carrying over. These research points unlock permanent upgrades for the player's ship, allowing for incremental progress and the ability to take on increasingly difficult challenges. This roguelike structure, combined with the classic shoot 'em up gameplay, creates a highly replayable experience where no two runs are exactly the same. Players must adapt their strategies and experiment with different weapon and module combinations to overcome the ever-changing threats.

❤ Diverse Weapon and Module Customization

The game offers over 200 unique upgrades, ranging from simple stat boosts to more complex active abilities and companion drones. These modules can combine in unique ways, leading to countless potential build possibilities. This customization depth allows players to tailor their ship to their preferred playstyle, whether that be focusing on raw firepower, evasive maneuvers, or supportive capabilities. The ability to experiment and discover synergistic module combinations keeps the gameplay fresh and engaging, as players are constantly incentivized to try new strategies.

❤ Dynamic Stages and Events

The game's 12 campaign stages feature their own unique themes and enemy types, ensuring that the gameplay is continually evolving. Furthermore, the game introduces various stage modifiers and events that can occur during a run, such as enemy ambushes, mid-stage boss encounters, and other dynamic objectives. When triggered, these events provide new challenges for the player to overcome, with generous rewards for successful completion. This unpredictable nature of the levels and events encourages players to remain vigilant and adaptable, as they never know what threats may lie ahead.

❤ Satisfying Shmup Mechanics

The game's responsive controls allow for precise movement and shooting, which is essential for navigating the increasingly dense bullet patterns and enemy formations. The retro arcade feel is further enhanced by the pixel art graphics and chiptune soundtrack. The inclusion of a challenging difficulty curve, leaderboards, and numerous achievements provides ample motivation for players to hone their skills and compete for high scores.

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