东方异乡录 ~the Apocryphal Gensoukyou

by YEARS, 七彩绘色游戏

The Developer Says...

《东方异乡录 ~the Apocryphal Gensoukyou》是一款东方Project主题的短篇视觉小说游戏。主要讲述了在河城荷取的邀请下,雾雨魔理沙、爱丽丝·玛格特洛依德、帕秋莉·诺蕾姬三人在虚拟世界“Apocryphal Land”中冒险的爆笑喜剧故事。

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❤ Gameplay Overview

The game follows the adventures of three Touhou Project protagonists - Marisa Kirisame, Alice Margatroid, and Patchouli Knowledge - as they explore the virtual world of "Apocryphal Land" at the invitation of the kappa Kawashiro Nitori. The gameplay primarily consists of reading through the game's story and dialogue, with minimal interactive elements.

❤ Narrative-Driven Experience

The game places a heavy emphasis on its well-written story and character interactions, filled with humorous exchanges and references to the broader Touhou universe. Players can make occasional dialogue choices that influence the flow of the conversation, but these choices have a minimal impact on the overall story progression. Additionally, there are a few short minigame segments, such as a simple 2D platforming section, but these are relatively infrequent and serve more as brief diversions rather than core gameplay mechanics.

❤ Touhou Fanservice

As a Touhou Project-themed game, it caters heavily to existing fans of the series, featuring a wide array of references, in-jokes, and nods to the broader Touhou universe. However, newcomers to the series may find some of the content and humor to be inaccessible or confusing.

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