Age of Wonders: Planetfall

by Triumph Studios, Paradox Interactive

The Developer Says...

Age of Wonders: Planetfall is the new strategy game from Triumph Studios, creators of the critically acclaimed Age of Wonders series, bringing all the exciting tactical turn-based combat and in-depth empire building of its predecessors to space in an all-new, sci-fi setting.

Players Like...

❤ Tactical Turn-Based Combat

Players praise the deep and engaging turn-based battles that draw inspiration from XCOM. Units have three action points to use each turn, allowing for a variety of tactical maneuvers. A "graze" result between hit and miss helps mitigate randomness. Inflicting "stagger" on opponents is a key mechanic, as it can prevent them from using their most powerful abilities. The game features a large and diverse cast of units, each with their own unique abilities, weapons, and roles to play on the battlefield.

❤ Customizable Units

A cornerstone of the gameplay is the ability to customize and upgrade individual units. Each unit can equip up to three different mods, providing a wide range of stat boosts, special abilities, and damage types. This allows players to fine-tune their units to fit specific roles and synergize with the rest of their army composition. The mod system enables players to keep even low-tier units relevant throughout the game by continuously enhancing their capabilities.

❤ Faction Variety

The game features six distinct playable factions, each with their own unique units, technologies, and playstyles. From the militant Vanguard to the dinosaur-riding Amazons and the cyborg-zombies of the Assembly, each faction offers a markedly different experience. The factions are further expanded upon by six "Secret Technologies" that provide additional unique units and abilities. This variety ensures that battles and strategic decisions feel fresh and engaging, as players must adapt their tactics to the strengths and weaknesses of their opponents.

❤ Exploration and Discovery

Exploring the game's procedurally-generated maps is a rewarding experience, as players uncover the remnants of the fallen galactic empire. Abandoned cities, ancient ruins, and hidden caches of technology dot the landscape, offering valuable resources, powerful equipment, and opportunities to interact with mysterious factions. The sense of discovery and the desire to unravel the game's lore further drive players to explore every corner of the world.

❤ Strategic Depth

Beneath the tactical combat, the game offers a robust layer of strategic empire management. Players must carefully plan the development of their colonies, balancing the allocation of resources between different sectors, research priorities, and military expansion. The game's "sector" system adds an additional level of complexity, as players must choose how to specialize each of their colonies to maximize production and efficiency.

❤ Replayability

With its diverse factions, random map generation, multiple victory conditions, and a wealth of customization options, the game offers a high degree of replayability. Players can experiment with different strategies, forge new alliances, and encounter unique challenges in each playthrough, ensuring that no two games feel the same.

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