Bounty of One

by OptizOnion

The Developer Says...

Fallen hero of the Wild West, you’re wanted and in disgrace! Grab your guns, survive endless hordes of bounty hunters and fight to clear your name! Bounty of One is a fast-paced casual roguelite bullet hell for 1 to 4 players. Dash, Dodge, Shoot, Repeat!

Players Like...

❤ Uniquely Strategic Shooting

Players can only fire their weapon while standing still, forcing them to carefully balance moving to avoid enemy attacks and standing still to unleash devastating barrages of fire. This creates an engaging moment-to-moment challenge as players must prioritize when to shoot and when to maneuver, adding a fresh strategic layer to the traditional bullet hell/roguelite formula.

❤ Varied Playable Characters

The game features a roster of distinct playable characters, each with their own unique weapon and abilities. For example, one character wields a rapid-fire machine gun, while another uses a slow but powerful sniper rifle. This diversity encourages experimentation and repeated playthroughs to master each character's strengths and weaknesses.

❤ Deep Build Customization and Synergies

As players progress, they unlock a wide array of equipment and upgrade items that significantly alter their character's capabilities. These items can be combined in creative ways to develop powerful and synergistic builds. For instance, equipping a character with a high-damage explosion on critical hits, then stacking crit chance and crit damage, can turn them into a devastating area-of-effect powerhouse.

❤ Challenging Infamy Progression

The game features an "Infamy" system that increases the difficulty with each completion, introducing new enemy types, attack patterns, and modifiers. This steady sense of progression and ever-increasing challenge keeps the gameplay fresh and engaging, even after multiple runs.

❤ Cooperative Multiplayer Chaos

The game supports local cooperative play for up to four players, either on the same screen or through remote play. Players can tactically coordinate their firepower and abilities, creating a chaotic but rewarding multiplayer experience.

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