
by Cyberwave

The Developer Says...

In Hourglass you can create a time-clone of yourself to solve challenging puzzles. You will play as Aywa, a young adventurer who is traveling to Egypt to find her missing father - an archeologist, who never returned from his latest expedition.

Players Like...

❤ The Time-Clone Mechanic Shines

The core gameplay mechanic allows players to record their actions for about 10 seconds, then replay those actions through a clone. Reviewers highlight this as the standout feature, praising its creative implementation. One player notes, "The concept is similar to Talos Principle's time recording puzzles, although Hourglass isn't as complex because each recording is limited to around 10 seconds." Many state this twist on traditional first-person puzzle gameplay leads to clever solutions, even if some later puzzles rely too heavily on precise timing.

❤ Rewarding Puzzle Challenges

Early puzzles provide a gentle introduction, but the difficulty steadily ramps up. Reviewers report encountering "real head-scratchers" that demand creative thinking. One player explains, "The puzzles start off relatively straightforward before becoming increasingly challenging, especially in the later stages of the game." While a few puzzles prove frustratingly difficult, leading some to consult guides, the overall consensus is that the challenge strikes a good balance - rarely feeling too easy or unfairly hard.

❤ Flexible Progression and Exploration

The game's structure allows players to approach the puzzles in any order, skipping one in each of the three main domains if desired. Reviewers appreciate this non-linear approach, as it enables them to take breaks from puzzles they're stuck on. Discovering the hidden crystals and uncovering the game's minimal but intriguing story also motivates exploration of the atmospheric Egyptian environments.

❤ Expanding Mechanics

While time-cloning is the core mechanic, Hourglass introduces additional gameplay elements over the course of the experience. These include movable cubes and teleportation discs. Reviewers note these new mechanics integrate well with the puzzle design, increasing complexity without feeling overly complicated.

❤ Incentives for Replayability

Completing all the puzzles in each domain unlocks a secret final area, providing an incentive to revisit earlier challenges. One player remarks, "The ability to collect all the crystals in each domain, unlocking a secret final area, provides an incentive for replay value."

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