Firefighter Connor


The Developer Says...

Firefighter Connor is a linear narrative visual novel that tells a story in a modern world where humans and furries coexist. The player will play the role of Luo Geng, who is 22 year-old, eligible for marriage registration, and somehow ends up with a marriage with a furry firefighter named Connor.

Players Like...

❤ Narrative Choices Drive the Story

As a linear narrative visual novel, the gameplay in this title primarily involves making choices that impact the progression and outcome of the plot. Players report that the dialogue options and narrative decisions feel meaningful, directly shaping the relationship between the protagonist, Luo Geng, and the firefighter character, Connor.

❤ Visuals and Audio Enhance the Experience

One of the standout elements of the gameplay is the high-quality presentation. The artwork features detailed character designs and expressive animations that bring the world and its inhabitants to life. Additionally, the original musical soundtrack is praised for its ability to heighten the emotional moments throughout the story.

❤ Balanced Pacing Maintains Engagement

While the game is relatively short, clocking in at around 2 hours of playtime, players generally consider the pacing to be well-structured. The narrative moves forward at a steady clip, keeping players engaged from start to finish, although some feel that certain aspects could have been expanded upon.

❤ Emotional Connection with Characters

A key strength of the gameplay is the game's ability to evoke strong emotional responses from players. The sincere and heartfelt writing, combined with the well-developed characters, allows players to form a meaningful connection, with some even reporting that they were brought to tears by the story's more poignant moments.

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