Oblivion Override

by Humble Mill, Paleo

The Developer Says...

An intense, hardcore action side-scroller. Maneuver as a ninja killerbot through dynamic wastelands with 26+ specialized weapons. Dodge, dash, and dominate. A homage to Metroidvania and Roguelike: customize atomic evolution, breach intricate alert levels to decrypt the Oblivion Code...

Players Like...

❤ Fluid and Responsive Movement

Players praise the fluidity and responsiveness of the protagonist's movement. From the start, the game provides a variety of evasive maneuvers, such as double jumps, omnidirectional dashes, and wall running. This allows for a high level of mobility, enabling players to easily outmaneuver opponents through skilled use of these movement options. The tight controls and responsive feel of these actions contribute to a satisfying combat experience.

❤ Diverse Weapon and Mecha Mechanics

The game features a wide variety of unique weapons, each with distinct attack patterns, combos, and specialized mechanics. Players can also unlock different "Mecha" characters, each with their own passive abilities, active skills, and ultimate moves. This robust system of customization allows players to experiment with diverse combinations of weapons and Mecha, fostering a variety of viable playstyles.

❤ Engaging Boss Battles

Players frequently highlight the fairness and well-telegraphed attack patterns of the boss encounters. Mastering the tells and rhythms of each boss's moveset is crucial to overcoming them. The variety of bosses, each with unique mechanics, keeps the battles feeling fresh and challenging, rewarding players for learning and adapting to the patterns.

❤ Roguelike Progression

The game incorporates roguelike elements, where each run starts from the beginning, but with persistent progress in the form of unlocked weapons, Mecha, and other upgrades. This meta-progression system allows players to gradually gain access to more options and power, while still maintaining the challenge and replayability of the core gameplay loop.

❤ Tight Combat Feedback

Players commend the "crunchy" and satisfying feel of the combat, praising the impactful sound effects and responsive animations. This, combined with the fluid movement, contributes to an overall polished and rewarding combat experience.

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