Crown Trick

by NEXT Studios, Team17

The Developer Says...

Enter a labyrinth that moves as you move, where mastering the elements is key to defeating enemies and uncovering the mysteries of this underground world. With a new experience awaiting every time you enter the dungeon, let the power bestowed by the crown guide you in this challenging adventure!

Players Like...

❤ Turn-Based Strategy Mechanics

The turn-based combat system sets this game apart, allowing players to carefully plan each move. Instead of fast reflexes, the game demands thoughtful strategy as you consider enemy positions, attack patterns, and environmental hazards before acting. This turn-based approach gives you time to thoroughly analyze the situation and make the best decision.

❤ Blink Ability and Break System

A key mechanic is the "blink" ability, which lets you teleport a limited number of times per room. Blink grants valuable mobility, enabling you to reposition yourself or enemy targets for advantage. Complementing blink is the "break" system, which rewards aggressive play. Breaking an enemy's guard stuns them and recharges your blink uses, incentivizing you to creatively combo and position foes.

❤ Elemental Interactions

The game world features various hazardous elemental surfaces like fire, water, and electricity. Utilizing skills and weapons that interact with these elements is crucial. You can set oil slicks ablaze or electrify water to damage enemies. Experimenting with different elemental combinations and synergies is a core part of the tactical gameplay.

❤ Diverse Weapon Types

The diverse array of weapon types, each with unique attack patterns and ranges, encourages you to adapt your playstyle. Mastering the nuances of swords, rifles, daggers, and more is key to building effective, synergistic loadouts tailored to your preferred combat approach.

❤ Familiar (Skill) System

You acquire new active and passive skills, called "Familiars", by defeating mini-boss enemies. This random pool of abilities allows for a high degree of build customization, as you can select the Familiars that best complement your current equipment and strategy. Choosing the right Familiar combination is a pivotal decision point in each run.

❤ Procedural Generation

The procedurally generated dungeon layouts, enemy placement, and loot ensure a fresh experience with each new run. This roguelike element forces you to continuously adapt your tactics to the ever-changing environment, rather than relying on memorization, adding to the game's replayability.

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