Virtua Unlimited Project

by Virtua Ride System, Neverland Entertainment

The Developer Says...

Virtua Unlimited Project is a 2D pixel-art style ACT game featuring VTuber characters. With classical platformer gameplay, challenging combat, and retro game feelings, VUP presents you a surreal, virtual world in which you will play as Aizawa Kana to venture and seek the truth beneath.

Players Like...

❤ Smooth and Responsive Controls

Players widely praise the smooth and responsive controls, noting the character feels fast, agile, and a joy to control. The tight platforming and combat mechanics allow for quick air dashing, double jumping, and executing an "Extreme Flying Kick" for a high degree of mobility and fluidity.

❤ Familiar Yet Fresh Gameplay

While the core gameplay loop mirrors the Mega Man Zero/ZX series, the game successfully blends the classic feel with new and unique mechanics. Players highlight the ability to swap between different elemental effects for attacks, as well as the "EX Skills" system that grants special abilities gained from defeating bosses.

❤ Challenging Yet Fair Difficulty

Reviewers compare the challenging yet fair difficulty curve favorably to the Mega Man Zero titles. The levels and boss encounters require skill and mastery, but deaths rarely feel unfair or overly punishing. The option to play on a higher "Master" difficulty provides an even greater challenge for seasoned players.

❤ Exploration and Customization

The game encourages thorough exploration, as levels contain hidden "Extensions" that grant various enhancements and abilities. Players also appreciate the ability to mix-and-match acquired EX Skills and elemental effects, allowing for customization to suit different playstyles.

❤ Satisfying Boss Battles

Reviewers highlight the quality and memorability of the boss encounters, praising the designs, attack patterns, and element weaknesses that create engaging, skill-based challenges. The option to "recruit" defeated bosses as support characters is noted as a clever and thematic addition.

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