Between Horizons

by DigiTales Interactive, Assemble Entertainment

The Developer Says...

Between Horizons is a narrative 2.5D sci-fi detective adventure. 33 years into the Zephyr's journey, its mission is suddenly jeopardized. Can you find the culprit before it's too late? Experience an enthralling story set in a semi-open world that branches and ends based on your choices.

Players Like...

❤ Immersive Narrative Choices

As Stella, the protagonist and newly-promoted chief of security, players dive into a branching narrative where their decisions and investigative work directly shape the story's progression and ending. The game challenges players to think critically, make tough choices, and face the consequences of their actions, fostering a deep sense of player agency.

❤ Flexible Detective Work

The game's flexible evidence system empowers players to freely assign importance to the clues they uncover, encouraging them to explore their own hypotheses and strategies for solving cases. Rather than feeding players pre-determined solutions, the game tasks them with piecing together the evidence and testimonies to draw their own conclusions about the incidents aboard the Zephyr.

❤ Metroidvania-style Exploration

Players navigate the semi-open, Metroidvania-style environment of the Zephyr, gradually unlocking new areas and accessing additional information as they progress through the story. This sense of gradual discovery and expanding accessibility enhances the overall immersion and encourages thorough investigation.

❤ Appropriately Challenging Puzzles

The game's puzzles and deduction challenges are widely praised by players as well-designed and fair, striking a balance between difficulty and a sense of accomplishment. While some cases may require more logical reasoning than others, the consensus is that the game's puzzles are engaging without being overly frustrating.

❤ Impactful Consequences

Players' choices and the outcomes of their investigations have a tangible impact on the story's progression and resolution, leading to multiple possible endings. This emphasis on meaningful consequences reinforces the weight of the player's decisions and heightens the emotional investment in the narrative.

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