PERIMETER: Legate Edition

by K-D Lab, Association K-D Lab

The Developer Says...

Perimeter is a real-time strategy game with a destructible world. Utilize the environment for resource gathering and defense against enemies. Immerse yourself in the millennia-spanning history of the Chains of Worlds and lead a faction in the struggle for survival.

Players Like...

❤ Terrain Transformation and Resource Gathering

Players can command their "frames" to manipulate the environment, digging into the ground to extract energy or shaping the land as an offensive or defensive tool. This dynamic terrain interaction allows players to transform the game world to gather resources and improve their defenses.

❤ Faction-Based Commanders and Narrative

Players assume the role of "Legates", commanders of the various factions vying for control in the Chains of Worlds setting. The narrative follows the perspectives of different Legates, enabling players to experience the unfolding events from multiple sides. This faction-based approach provides a rich, story-driven experience that is woven throughout the gameplay.

❤ Liquid Unit Mechanics

Instead of discrete unit types, frames can dynamically reform themselves into different roles, such as transforming into rocket troopers or transport units. This unique "liquid unit" mechanic adds strategic depth as players must carefully manage and adapt their forces to the situation at hand.

❤ Destructible Environments and Emergent Gameplay

The highly destructible game world allows players to reshape the terrain and alter the battlefield to their advantage. This dynamic environment, combined with the liquid unit mechanics, fosters emergent gameplay opportunities, where players can creatively leverage the terrain and their units' capabilities to overcome challenges and outmaneuver opponents.

❤ Extensive Modding Support

The game features robust modding support, enabling players to further customize and expand the content and mechanics. This allows the community to actively contribute to the game's longevity and continually evolve the experience.

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