Cupid Nonogram

by Supernova Games

The Developer Says...

Use your logic to paint beautiful images in this relaxing puzzle. The gorgeous visuals and relaxing soundtrack will help you forget all your problems and have a great time!

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Mechanics

The game presents classic nonogram/picross puzzles, challenging players to use logical deduction to fill in a grid and reveal hidden pixel art. The developers provide clear instructions through a tutorial that eases newcomers into the experience.

❤ Difficulty and Progression

As players progress, the game gradually ramps up the difficulty, starting with simple 6x6 puzzles and scaling up to more complex 25x25 grids. Reviewers consistently praise the well-designed difficulty curve, which keeps the challenges accessible for beginners while still engaging experienced nonogram solvers.

❤ Quality of Life Features

The game features an impressive array of quality of life enhancements that streamline the gameplay. These include an undo button, allowing players to rewind their moves; highlighting of the current row or column under the cursor; a counter that displays the number of selected cells when dragging; the ability to drag-click without overwriting previous marks; and automatic numbering of filled cells, reducing tedious counting.

❤ Logical Puzzle Solving

Notably, all puzzles in the game can be solved through logical deduction alone, with no need for guessing. This aligns well with the game's relaxing, stress-free tone, enabling players to focus on the satisfaction of methodically uncovering the hidden pixel art.

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