Big Mutha Truckers 2

by Strategy First

The Developer Says...

Ma Jackson, Hick State County's most infamous trucker, has been incarcerated on charges of tax evasion, 7,973 parking tickets, and six counts of being a comedy stereotype! Imprisoned, Ma's only hope lies with her kids. It's up to them to locate 6 members of the jury that are to try Ma and bribe them.

Players Like...

❤ Arcade-Style Trucking Action

The game's core loop challenges players to pick up and deliver various cargo items across a map, racing against the clock to reach destinations. During these frantic drives, players must contend with a variety of hazards, including biker gangs, rock falls, and crooked cops. To overcome these obstacles, players can use their massive trucks as battering rams, smashing through anything in their path.

❤ Streamlined Buying and Selling

Compared to the previous entry, the trading and delivery system has been streamlined. Players can quickly buy and sell goods between towns, focusing on reaching their destinations in time to earn lucrative bonuses. While not as in-depth as the original's trading, this more fast-paced approach keeps the action moving at a brisk pace.

❤ Diverse Rigs and Cargo

Players can choose from four distinct driver characters, each with their own unique trucks and skill sets. The game also allows players to haul a wide variety of cargo, from precious diamonds to live hogs, adding variety to the delivery missions and giving players the freedom to approach each scenario in their own way.

❤ Nonlinear Progression and Exploration

The game's map encourages players to explore, taking shortcuts and deviating from their routes to uncover hidden items and new pathways. This nonlinear structure allows for a sense of freedom and replayability, as players can experiment with different strategies to complete their deliveries.

❤ Redneck Humor and Chaos

Underpinning the gameplay is a strong sense of dark comedy and redneck humor. Players will encounter a cast of eccentric characters, comical radio chatter, and over-the-top scenarios that infuse the game with a tongue-in-cheek tone, matching the outrageous premise.

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