Starcom: Unknown Space

by Wx3 Labs, LLC

The Developer Says...

Starcom: Unknown Space is an action RPG of space exploration and adventure. Build your own starship while discovering an epic story in a universe of strange mysteries, alien factions and uncharted worlds.

Players Like...

❤ Exploration and Adventure

Ability to survey and investigate unique planetary anomalies, each with their own set of challenges and rewards, such as unlocking new technologies or gathering valuable resources
Freedom to navigate an open-world universe and discover the secrets of strange, alien-inhabited worlds at one's own pace
Capacity to fast-travel between discovered wormholes, enabling efficient exploration of distant regions

❤ Customization and Ship Building

Comprehensive ship customization system that allows players to tailor their vessel's armaments, defensive capabilities, and utility modules to suit their playstyle
Opportunity to transform a basic scout ship into a specialized explorer, combat-focused strike craft, or heavily-armored battlecruiser through strategic upgrades
Sense of personal investment and creative expression in designing an optimal starship for tackling the game's challenges

❤ Faction Interactions

Encounters with diverse alien civilizations, each with distinct personalities, agendas, and responses to the player's actions
Ability to navigate complex political relationships, forging alliances or stoking enmities with various factions based on dialogue choices
Consequences of these diplomatic decisions, which can unlock new opportunities or restrict access to valuable resources and technologies

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